uct the opposite cargo ship 312! the cargo ship is owned by the government of the Republic of china!(注:报告詹瑞克舰长,紧急来电,是议员“朱迩典爵士”的来电:让我们不要阻拦对面的312号货船!货船是华夏民国政府的!”)一个英军电讯军官拿着电译本说!
“okay! call back 'Sir Zhu Youdian' and we understand(注:好!回电“朱迩典爵士”我们知道了!”.......)詹瑞克舰长继续举着望远镜说完后接着说:“chief wilhelm! Ask the flag soldiers to inquire if the captain of the other cargo ship is captain Smith of France! wine from Angel city(注:威连姆大副!让旗语兵询问对方货船的船长是不是法国的史密斯船长!天使城中的美酒”)詹瑞克舰长继续说;
但是话音刚落两个电讯军官跑了进来:“Report officer, the Ambassador of the Republic of china in the Eastern Fifth theater Region,“xu Gesen,“ called to prove that the cargo ship opposite is owned by the Republic of china government. do not attack!(注:报告长官,东方第五战区民国大使“许阁森”来电:证明对面的货船是民国政府的不要攻击!”);
别一个电讯军官皱眉接着说:“captain Jarrick! Admiral Andrew brown cunningham, minister of the Navy, urgently called: do not attack the Republic of china cargo ship 312 in the Fifth theater mand opposite!(注詹瑞克舰长!海军大臣“安德鲁·布朗·坎宁安”元帅紧急来电内容:不要攻击对面的312号第五战区华夏民国货船!)”(注:安德鲁·布朗·坎宁安”元帅(Andrew browne cunningham,1883年1月7日—1963年6月12日),英国二战时期海军名将、曾任海军大臣,海军元帅。受封子爵。1898年参加皇家海军,第一次世界大战时期任驱逐舰舰长,1938年任海军副参谋长。随后任驻地中海舰队司令。1940年指挥塔兰托战役,首开舰载机袭击军舰的先河。1942年任北非盟国远征军海军总司令.1943年晋升海军元帅,任海军部第一次官兼海军参谋长。1963年6月12日去世。)
詹瑞克舰长放下望远镜看着两个电讯军官笑着说:“there must be important figures from the Republic of china government on the opposite cargo ship! chief officer willem ordered the water cannon and torpedo to be released from standby!(注:对面的货船上肯定有华夏民国政府的重要人物!大副威连姆下令水炮、鱼雷解除待命!”........
“captain Jarrick's flagman replied: the captain across from him is Smith from France! paris tower tavern!(注:詹瑞克舰长旗语手回复了:对面的船长是法国的史密斯!巴黎铁塔酒馆!”)大副威连姆对詹瑞克舰长说.....
我还在准备拼命时,史密斯船长却笑着跑了过来:“boss! It's okay! the captain of the opposite gunship is captain Jarrick of the Royal Navy, my old fr>> --